Tag: Love

  • #41 The Effective Genius of Mother Teresa

    #41 The Effective Genius of Mother Teresa

    Mention her name and images of a small, frail and elderly nun comforting the sick, holding children or kneeling in prayer come to mind. But this little woman was also an inspiring entrepreneurial spirit, a passionate and driven voice for the needy to world leaders and a titan of management!  

  • #30 Still Have an Election Hangover? Don’t Miss Your BIG Opportunity.

    #30 Still Have an Election Hangover? Don’t Miss Your BIG Opportunity.

    The stress levels surrounding the recent presidential election were unprecedented. Voters from both sides of the aisle hoped and prayed that we would at least see an end to the mudslinging after Election Day. But much to our dismay, it hasn’t stopped. If you are still fatigued over the whole ordeal, you are not alone!…

  • #27 About That F Word…(forgiveness)

    #27 About That F Word…(forgiveness)

    I am very grateful for Bishop Robert Barron. In one of his YouTube videos, he gave the best definition of love I have ever heard. I have found this very useful, especially when working with difficult people. He says Love is “willing the good of the other. It’s an act of the will, not an…