Tag: God

  • #35  Are You Afraid to Ask for Help?

    #35 Are You Afraid to Ask for Help?

    “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7 We all have those aha moments when it comes to God. Moments when we are blessed with clarity. We see glimpses of how God is truly behind everything, sometimes guiding us through situations,…

  • #34 Who or What Do You Serve?

    #34 Who or What Do You Serve?

    “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.*” Mark 6:24 Hate money to love God? I immediately asked: why does it have to be one or the other? I was in my late…

  • #32 What Value Do You Place on Truth?

    #32 What Value Do You Place on Truth?

    Jesus was talking to those who chose to follow him, and he laid out what is known as the conditions of discipleship. In doing so, he asked a really powerful question: “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” Luke 9:25 We do not live on this…

  • #28 Catholic Survival Guide to Election 2016

    #28 Catholic Survival Guide to Election 2016

    My wife told me last night that she is considering deleting Facebook until after the election.  I think that’s probably a common thought.  The nomination circus has ended. The official presidential campaigns have just begun, with the major party conventions in the books.  November is still a long way off and I am already fatigued…

  • #27 About That F Word…(forgiveness)

    #27 About That F Word…(forgiveness)

    I am very grateful for Bishop Robert Barron. In one of his YouTube videos, he gave the best definition of love I have ever heard. I have found this very useful, especially when working with difficult people. He says Love is “willing the good of the other. It’s an act of the will, not an…

  • #23 Look For The Writing On The Wall

    #23 Look For The Writing On The Wall

      “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not your woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 The first time I read this verse I was several hours into a job interview that would change my life. I…

  • #20 Do You Not Yet Have Faith?

    #20 Do You Not Yet Have Faith?

    “Then He said to them, ‘Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?’ ”  Jesus, Mark 4:40 For me, the word yet jumps out most. When will we finally cast fears aside, by choosing to focus on faith and ignoring the negative? The above quote came Mark’s version of “The Calming of The…

  • Do You Not Yet Have Faith?

    Do You Not Yet Have Faith?

    “Then He said to them, ‘Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?’ ”  Jesus, Mark 4:40 For me, the word yet jumps out the most. When will we finally cast fears aside, by choosing to focus on faith and ignoring the negative? The above quote came Mark’s version of “The Calming of…

  • #19 Four Ways to Defeat Your Stress!

    #19 Four Ways to Defeat Your Stress!

    In November of 2015 I conducted a survey of my book and article readers. I wanted to know how this largely Catholic, non-Catholic Christian and professional group viewed current stressors in their lives. When asked what they considered to be a personal struggle, the top three answers were: Feeling overwhelmed/out of balance Fighting effects of…

  • Four Keys to Defeating Your Stress!

    Four Keys to Defeating Your Stress!

    In November of 2015 I conducted a survey of my book and article readers. I wanted to know how this largely Catholic, non-Catholic Christian and professional group viewed current stressors in their lives. When asked what they considered to be a personal struggle, the top three answers were: Feeling overwhelmed/out of balance Fighting effects of…