#31 How Can A Book (and this blog) Help Me Mind My Business?

Your business. Think about your current job, your most recent paycheck. Is it really yours?

unsplashmo9vkbg5csg-ben-whiteYou work hard enough for it. You pay the taxes. You incur all the costs of your life. You shoulder the responsibilities.

But is it really yours?

It is written in the Bible that everything belongs to God, and that the whole world is under Jesus’ authority. As a Catholic, a Christian, a Believer, do you agree?

Some people, including some Catholics, disregard parts of scripture because they feel it does not apply to them. Others don’t bother reading the Bible – on their own time – because they do not know where to begin. Then there are those who want the good news, the wisdom, composure and power available to those who study scripture yet…just don’t seem to ever get around to it. They are too busy with the race. There are too many things to be captured, first.

The problem is that the “race” runs right past the path to peace, fulfillment, accomplishment, self worth, and yes, even winning in your career – because while racing you miss the turn at the road named “Contribution”! You obtain all the things you truly want through giving, not receiving.

You obtain all the things you truly want through giving, not receiving.

Think about Rick Warren’s mega-million best-seller, “The Purpose Driven Life”. That masterpiece starts with one of the best sentences I have ever read: “It’s not about you.” I came across his book one morning, years ago, in a Perpetual Adoration chapel. That first page provided some validation for my entire approach to life and business.

Even though I consider writing to be my craft, and a big part of my life’s mission, I have been in sales and territory management “day jobs” for over 22 years now. I love many things about the profession. I have enjoyed good years and I have endured bad years. I know the views from the top and bottom.

So far, during my career I have witnessed many sales people, managers, company owners and other professionals claiming to be Catholic, Christian or God-fearing people leave their faith behind in Church each Sunday. During their work week, they proceed to do whatever they deem necessary to conduct their business, regardless of eternal consequences, or affects on others.

How do you deal with people like this? How can you succeed when it seems like you are the only one playing by the rules? Read on, I know of a ready and powerful antidote.

How can you succeed when it seems like you are the only one playing by the rules?

If you take God’s material to heart, it will not fail you. I know because since graduating from college back in 1994, I have practiced that approach myself. I use the word “practice” intentionally because I know I’m far from perfect.

The message of scripture can change the course of your career, your life, and your afterlife. The purpose and function of my writing works are to point you in the direction of greatness – where God is.

That place of greatness, found in the books of the Bible is about you and God, the business of your life and career. I wrote about it extensively in my first book, Catholics Mean Business: 30 Days to Managing Your Work Week, God’s Way (CMB). I am passionate about that material because it works. It can transform your thinking, your relationships, your job performance and your organization if put into practice.

Do you like being THE go-to person in your circles of influence? Do you want to be a person others come to for advice? Do you want to consistently handle corporate craziness, meet objectives, goals and quotas with less stress? (Yes, I said less stress.) Do you want to be able to recall what is needed to settle yourself down when the due dates and deadlines are looming, to help yourself breathe easier and sleep like a baby?

Do you want to try to recession-proof your career? Do you want to be an island of calm when everyone else sees the market or political climate turn and fears the worst? Do you want your life, business or career to outgrow its current problems?

Well, God does. He wants that for you but His plan requires your participation. That means you have to get to work.

The Four Great Relationships

CMB addresses the four main relationships we all wrestle with as we write the sagas of our careers (regardless of profession, or industry). Those relationships are: You and God, You and Others, You and Money & You and Work. It doesn’t matter if you’re white collar, blue collar or no collar, these four relationships must be addressed and managed throughout our working years.

How you prioritize and manage these relationships can make you invaluable, or insignificant, to those around you. And you know what? That decision is totally, 100%, yours to make.

Invaluable: /,inˈvaly(əw)əb(ə)l/  adjective

someone very capable who can be depended on, trusted, confided in, consulted. Someone who’s opinion matters, who’s focused and always knows what’s important vs. what’s currently urgent.

Insignificant: /,insiɡˈnifəkənt/  adjective

Someone perceived to care only about themselves, who can’t be trusted, who is only dealt with when necessary, and with caution. Within the big picture, a player not worth much consideration.

It’s our attitudes and actions we take regarding God, others, money and work itself that will decide our paths, and our destinies. There are big differences between God’s wisdom and the world’s wisdom. Both CMB and this blog will help you separate the facts from the fiction, so you can bypass what seems good and choose what is truly best in life.


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One response to “#31 How Can A Book (and this blog) Help Me Mind My Business?”

  1. Paul Bailey Avatar
    Paul Bailey

    It is all about relationships. Thanks John for a great article to kick off 2017. Happy New Year!!

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